The use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in sport is a common reality. For countless generations, the tribesmen of South Africa used a ceremonial drink called ‘dop’ when engaged in war or athletic contests. Brewed from alcohol and cola, the drink improved energy and stamina. When the tribesmen settled in South Africa, they the made the term part of their language; they added ‘e’ to it, thereby introducing to the world the word ‘dope’.
We have collected a sample of Track and Field throwers who have tested positive for Performance Enhancing drugs over the last 15 years. Wether they had 3 anabolic steroids in their system, were doped by their coach because they were not improving enough or failed to provide sufficient urine for analysis, they all believed that doping was necessary to compete at the elite level.
Without further ado, I present 5 throwers who have tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in Track and Field.