March 22, 2025

About Us

We are aiming to unite throwers worldwide

What started as an interest for throwing quickly grew into a passion. Further and further improving, the thirst to constantly do better each time quickly grew. We were often frustrated towards the lack of unity among the throwing community. The throwing community often receives the least attention at meets. Time is often dedicated to numerous running events instead. This frustration eventually grew to an idea. How can we change this? How can we aim to unite the throwing community worldwide? From this very concept Throwers Unite was born. Throwers Unite is connecting Shot Put, Discus, Hammer and Javelin throwers worldwide.


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We are aiming to do this by providing merchandise to the throwing community. Along with education resources to help you learn and become a better athlete. By buying our clothing, products and visiting our website you support the very essence of throwing and help bring attention to our beloved sport.


2017 Copyright, Throwers Unite