When you are not on point at all is when you learn the most! As you can see I was doing horrid today but I’m still happy with how I am going. Now I gotta fix what threw me to the ground today and rise above! Hit up @nextgenerationsupplements for the best quality supplements at the lowest price for all your fitness goals! #newheights #nigelskurrie #beastmode #shotput #shred #bodybuilding #powerliftingmotivation #health #hungry #happiness #hammerthrow #healthandfitness #fit #fitfam #fitness #fitnesmotivation #powerlifting #trackandfield #trackandfieldlife #throws #thethrowerfam #throwersunite #labrum #labrumtear #recovery #rehab A video posted by Nigel Skurrie (@hammerthrowing_beast) on Apr 11, 2016 at 1:15am PDT
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